Inside Is The New Sanctuary

Inside Is The New Sanctuary

The Importance of Routines During These Difficult Times

I’m a creature of habit, or so I’ve learned when I break a routine and then watch myself tailspin from the inside out. Routine is important every day and can be especially grounding when faced with the uncertainty that none of us are immune to right now. 

Here are some tips and tricks that keep me sane during these turbulent times:

1)   Morning Meditation. Every. Darn. Day. I used to admire those that meditated daily with a silent envy. Going through a challenging phase of my life in Spring 2019 (déjà vu!!) forced me into this routine because every day I woke up to soaring anxiety and a racing heart that was inconsolable. I found my morning practice out of desperation, yet it is also a celebratory time when things in my life are in flow. Now that I have been meditating every morning for a year now, I feel a spaciousness and resiliency that allows me to embrace the present moment, even when it is scary and overwhelming. It’s a time to take stock of what I am grateful for (always so many even when things look bleak), connect with the highest vibration possible regardless of the circumstances. Breathe. Inhale. Exhale. Label your thoughts “thinking”. Inhale. Exhale. Your breath always has your back, take it in, let it go. For those wanting to try meditation, download the Calm app – it is palatable for beginners and experienced meditators alike.

2)   Get Ready For Your Day. I don’t go from night pajamas to day pajamas as all the social media memes have been portraying – that is a slippery slope to depression for me. I’m drawing a solid line between morning and night and between my bedroom and the rest of my living space these days. I remain getting ready for my day as though I were going into the office (minus the heels!) – shower, hair, makeup (ish) comfy work clothes that make me feel good in my skin. Sympli’s easy-wear, easy-care and wrinkle free collections are a MUST-HAVE right now. 

3)   Nourishing Foods. As a recovering anorexic there is nothing like a pandemic to trigger an eating disorder! I diligently focus on feeding myself the highest nutrition possible, even if it’s not as much as I would normally consume. I know that love is the answer to everything, not fear. Love involves feeding myself, my family and my community – the ultimate in nourishment for the body and soul.

4)   Inside is the New Coffee Date. Scheduling a video call with friends and family is a lifeline to keep connected during social-distancing and lockdowns due to this Pandemic that we find ourselves in. Making an effort to connect and do something kind for one another will make you feel as good as the one receiving it. Think of how hard you will hug your friends and family next time you see them.

I am certain of ONE thing during this time – we will get through this more resilient than we were 2 weeks ago. Resilience is the new you, after-all.

Virtual XX to you,

Sabrina Banadyga, Head of Marketing

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